Inked block digital photos printed on rice paper and linoleum cut printed on rice paper with chine colle.
Linoleum cut print with chine colle.
Nine sumi ink quick studies on newsprint.
Mixed media sculpture.
Mixed media sculpture/installation with fox and coyote fur and a projected stop-motion animation.
Mixed media captured using a scanner as the camera.
Mixed media captured using a scanner as the camera.
Mixed media captured using a scanner as the camera.
Mixed media captured using a scanner as the camera.
This piece is a data visualization of a fox built entirely out of what it eats.
I looked up the percentage success rates of kills for various types of animals (birds, mammals, and insects), and then, using specific species that red foxes have been observed hunting, compiled the image of the hunting fox using the number of each type of animal based on a percentage of 200 kills.
For example, foxes have an 82% success rate when hunting bugs, so there are 82% of 200 kills (or 164) in this image that are bugs like beetles and moths. There is only an 2% success rate for birds, so there are just 4 birds in the compilation.
Zinc etching print.